Become a Member
the Scenes
Alicia YellowLodge

🐱☕️Your rewards for donating a Catpuccino On top of all the benefits below, you'll also get 30 days access to Supporter-Only content like high-quality scans of my behind-the-scenes work or what materials I use in my posts. ✨ 01. Get a personal doodle from me ✍🏻. You can claim a doodle of your choice from me! It can be any theme - whatever comes to your mind! How to do it? Just send me a message here and tell me what you want me to draw 💖 I'll mention you and share it here in my Ko-fi. 02. Access to free print templates 🖨 As a little extra thank you, I will also update this page with free printables on various topics from time to time. You can always contact me if you have a request! So I'm working on giving you something new to share on a regular basis for your support! 03. Early Access & Ko-fi only exclusive content✨ You will get access to exclusive content & posts like WIPs and also posts about materials used. I will also include some tutorials from time to time. And you'll also get exclusive reviews whenever I find the time for it ✨ 04. Discord server access 🌈 I welcome you to my Discord server: MEOWNIVERSE 💖 It's a safe space. You can talk freely about anything here and be part of my little community. Thank you so much for your support. It means the world to me 💕Send you lots of hugs & cat purrs! 🐱💕

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