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the Scenes
Maria Redillas

Hey there, wonderful souls! I'm Maria, your go-to gal for all things creative. Whether it's crafting digital journal pages, weaving words in calligraphy, or sharing insightful blogs, I've got you covered. And guess what? I'm on a mission to sprinkle creativity and positivity everywhere! Wanting some entertainment? Catch me on Twitch for some laid-back streams. And hey, as a member, you can even pick a game, and I'll stream it just for you! (As long as it's free 🥳) But there's a deeper side to me too. I'm an advocate for ADHD, GAD, and persistent depressive depression awareness – conditions I face every day. My goal? To shine a light on these issues and stand by those on similar paths. 💖 Dive into this journey with me. Together, we'll create, game, and champion worthy causes!

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