
Hi there! Did you know, I'm an artist? I make such bizarre things as, FFXIV art! game art, art of OCs, art of... well anything!? I'm a game loving art nerd living with various disabilities, including Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (type 3, hypermobile) Fibromyalgia and Arthritis/Ankylosing Spondylitis. When I'm super ill, I'm not very productive, but artwork is something I'll do until they manage to push me into the ground! I do it either in bed when I'm very sick, or on my desktop with my screen tablet (a Huion - but I wanna get a cintiq so bad!) and I'm also being cuddled up to by my big fat cat son and I love him. So if you wanna see some of my art, click on the Gallery tab! You can see some of the work I do! I'm also on twitter so find me there! https://twitter.com/Bhryn

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