
⚜️Welcome! Thank you for visiting my page, kind soul! ⚜️ Edit-9/30/2022: As of 9/6/2022, my Patreon is live! This is where I will go more in-depth into my painting process and provide higher resolution versions of my artwork. So if that interests you, please consider checking it out! Commissions are still out of the question, but I will still try to sneak in time to draw and post whenever I can! I stream games now! You can catch me live on Fridays, 7pm EST! Full info on my Twitch page: Now with that out of the way, have a gander at my gallery! 🎨 I have a few albums full of anime/video game fanart, and there's plenty more on the way! If you have any questions, don't be afraid to comment or contact me on other social media.

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