Fools & Flagons

Fools & Flagons is a passion project by the Dungeon Master - Ian (aka CaptnSarcasm) Their current campaign, The Tales of Archeron, is the homebrew brain child of the DM. He spends a fair amount of his free time working on the story and setting to give the players the best experience he can in this wild world of mismatched cultures and lumbering prehistoric dinosaurs that he's created. Everything you see during the stream (from the overlay, dungeon encounters, maps, etc.) is made by the DM or paid for out of his own pocket. All proceeds go to helping support Fools & Flagons. The DM is currently handling the costs such as podcast hosting, music usage during the stream, buying models to use for the game, source books, etc. Your donations help take a bit of the burden off his shoulders. Feel free to join the discord and chat with the DM and the Fools! No membership needed. ALL ARE WELCOME! The Fools & Flagons D&D Campaign streams live every other weekend (usually Fridays or Saturdays) as the player's schedules permit at The Podcast comes out the week after on most platforms like iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Pocket Casts, PodBean, PodcastAddict, and Stitcher. The VOD also comes out the same day as the Podcast on our YouTube Channel:

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