Luke Stowe

Thanks for taking the time to look at my ko-fi page. I am not an artist by trade, but in my spare time like to push myself to create the kinds of artworks that inspire me. I've been using Photoshop for years to manipulate photos etc, so finding out how to flat colour comic art has been an interesting new journey for me. I will share all of the comic flats that I produce in .psd files for you to practice your own comic colouring. (!ArMLmsIKzwyGhEqvLZOrooKNUCm0?e=Jhh0Wt) I wanted to use Ko-fi in case people like you wanted to chuck a couple of dollars in my direction and help me to up my game a little. - No contracts, no hidden subscriptions or anything, just a couple of quid that I can use to put towards tech that I need. (see my current goals) .....Otherwise, enjoy the art!

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