Ukraine War Awareness

Welcome to my PayPal alternative donation page. My goal is to present news from an unbiased perspective. I do not support any government, party, or faction. It's very rare to see unbiased media in todays day and age, which makes truth-seeking all the more difficult, but I am always up for a challenge, and met many influential people along the way. Any incorrect information that goes viral I try my best to debunk it to stop the spread of misinformation. People have the Freedom to Information, the correct and truthful kind of information. I am currently trying my best to upload 1 - 2 Video's (not including translations, as those require less resources to produce) per week, ranging from analytics, current events and the truth behind it, new military technology in the Eastern European world, etc. I would love to however significantly increase that number to almost daily, higher quality content uploads. A lot of work goes into the research when making a video, as I use dozens of sources to fact-check and use extreme caution to not present false information. Add that with the voice over, VFX, editing to have each report and source at the correct timestamp of my words, publishing, it can take dozens of hours to produce a video. I also, despite a few offers that I have received, have not and will not choose a sponsor for my videos, so that my audiences can enjoy ad-free videos and this channel remain fully independent from any outside parties. Your support really goes a long way in helping me continue to produce informative content (and in some cases, entertaining content). Thank you!

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