
My 7-month old baby boy, Cayde, has bilateral clubfoot... on the morning of 8/20/2020, he will be having a double tenotomy surgery, which is obviously scary for us, and sad for him... any help here, is so appreciated. Our car randomly died the other day, we had to do a last minute emergency car shopping trip before baby's surgery (the hospital is more than an hour away)... we got it in time, but now have a $350/mo bill that we didn't have before, and we were barely making ends meet before... Any and all help, is sincerely appreciated... I've already seen the generosity of some of you guys/gals, and it breaks my heart into happy, sappy little pieces. Thank you so much. I'm uninsured, in the United States, and recently went to the ER fearing I was having a heart attack... the bill is... LARGE, and keeps adding up.

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